Hands of Compassion is a weekly ministry of First that is open on Wednesday mornings from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. The ministry provides food, clothing, and most importantly the hope that only Jesus Christ can bring. In 2022 Hands of Compassion served over 50,000 pounds (25 tons) of food to over 2400 families. In addition, chapel services, prayer, and pastoral counseling were provided to over 50% of those who come through our doors.
Strategically set-up in the church parking lot during the week, the Prayer Tent Ministry is designed to offer drive-through prayer for anyone who has need. Bibles are also distributed along with encouragement and direction to know, love, and seek our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Women's Ministry is designed to encourage women of all ages in their walk with the Lord. Meeting weekly for discipleship and monthly for fellowship, this ministry is a great connection to meet with other ladies who love and support each other while encouraging their walk with the Lord Jesus.
Our men's ministry meets once per month, just for the guys, to encourage fellowship and friendship between men of all ages. From this we make connections with each other to develop friendships while building each other up to be the men that honor God and each other.
We are proud to support our law enforcement with prayer and encouragement through the national program Adopt-A-Cop. The members of First pray for our local officers and their families daily and offer encouragement to them via cards and letters to support their necessary work. If you would like to join us with this please contact the church office.